Monday, June 6, 2011

Mobile phones may Cause Cancer

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Cancer research agency of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the use of mobile phones "probable carcinogen".

The study of the existing evidence shows increased risk of one type of brain cancer can not be ruled out. But the relationship between the phone and cancer has not been convincing.

They conclude "not yet clear whether cell phones do cause cancer in humans". Cancer Research UK said the evidence was too weak to draw strong conclusions.

Head of health information on the charity, Ed Yong said, "WHO's conclusion means that there is evidence linking mobile phones to cancer, but too weak separately made ​​in the form of conclusions. "

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"Most studies have not found a link between the telephone with cancer. And if anything to do probably is not great," he said as quoted by the BBC on Wednesday (1 / 6). "The risk of brain cancer among people who use mobile phones and what not, about the same magnitude. The level of cancer does not rise despite the recent dramatic increase in the use of mobile phones in the 1980s."

"But not well enough to completely rule out that risk and there has been little research on effects of long-term phone use," he explained.

A total of 31 experts has been meeting in Lyon, France to assess the evidence from the study of patterns in public health or epidemiology.
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