The phenomenon of social networking web like facebook and twitter sometimes lead to positive and negative impacts, especially in romance. Many are looking for a boyfriend through facebook but not least love story that actually broke up because of facebook.
A survey says that 33% of people think flirting via the Internet, SMS and social
networking is not the affair, the reasons for them because there is no physical contact. But although there is no physical connection, if the activity is known to the couple will definitely be worse.
Therefore tried hard not to get involved in the virtual world affairs is important. Limit ourselves to what can and can not be done, appreciate the feelings of the couple and trying to stay faithful should always be remembered. Here are four simple tips how to avoid infidelity on the Internet, as quoted from the site Yourtango.
1. Create Joint
So there should be restrictions regarding the communication with the couple hanging out in cyberspace. Are you both free to make friends and get acquainted with anyone or just be hanging out with people known only in the real world.
2. Open and commitment to each other
Mutual trust and do not hide anything from your partner for example by creating a fake facebook account to
look for new acquaintances. If you both agree to exchange passwords. Or even if you trust each other you could not make friends with your partner on facebook.
3. Online Together Couple
Surfing together on the internet certainly exciting. Invite your partner to a cafe or cafe that has wifi and shared online. You can upload pictures to each other or to tag videos or commenting on another friend's photo. Togetherness makes your relationship more romantic.
4. Show Status
Minimally publicized relationship status is important to reduce the temptation of a third party. Select status Single or status in relationship to affirm your relationship with your partner. Occasionally you may show little concern with the writing on the wall or walls of your partner but do not overdo it. This method is very useful for discouraged others interested in your partner.
A lot of temptation on the internet starting from the temptation of shopping goods, having an affair, until the trap of sex in cyberspace such as the phenomenon of cyber sex and cougar on facebook. Therefore there should be mutual trust and shared commitment. Make internet and social media as a tool to get closer to the couple and their friends and family, do not make facebook as a media affair.
Penis Enlargement Supplement
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Tips to Avoid Infidelity in Facebook -- Penis Enlargement Supplement
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