Friday, July 8, 2011

Supplements for Women Is there Pre-Menopause? --> Remifemin Menopause Herbal Supplement

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Enzymatic Therapy Remifemin Good Night, 21 tabs (Pack of 2)Dear Doctor Frizar,

Are there any supplements to relieve menopausal symptoms? Efforts to what can be done for this?

Josephine, Jakarta


Menopause is not a disease but a process that will be experienced by all women due to reduced production of estrogen. For that we need a supplement containing natural estrogens from plants such as soy, aloe vera, yam, papaya, mango, sunflower, basil, etc.. Besides pre-menopausal women need calcium intake of 1000 mg / day to prevent osteoporosis. Do not forget to do sports. Currently we are from Indonesia Menopause Society has made a supplement for pre-menopausal women PERMIVIT which can be purchased at the pharmacy which contains all of the needs for menopausal women. Thus my explanation.

dr. Frizar Irmansyah SpOG (K)
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Remifemin Menopause Herbal Supplement

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