Saturday, July 9, 2011

Missionary Position Sex Tips For Not Boring - Penis Enlargement Supplement

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But of course it gets boring style sex for couples who have been married long and never use another alternative position. In order for your sex life remained harmonious and hot in bed, here are some tips for your favorite missionary sex position to be fascinating:

1. Do the methods of CAT (coital Alignment Technique).
This method is performed by the men by lifting his body slightly upwards so that it can touch the pubis bone area klirotis wife. When connected in this way can increase the pleasure and according to research written in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy misinaris mentioned that the creation of this position can increase the likelihood of women achieve orgasm by 50%. CAT weakness is a penis can not be pressed deeper into the vagina.
2. Use a Vibrator or hands to stimulate the clitoral area couples.
In this way a husband can still penetrate deep into the vagina and clitoris area can be stimulated to use sex toys or fingers.
3. Put a pillow under her ass.
If you have never tried it, now's the time. Put a pillow under her ass to lift her hips and change the angle of penetration. This allows the penis to penetrate deeper and increase the sensation of pleasure for both partners. The only drawback of this technique is the woman becomes less flexible in motion.
4. Squeeze your legs
Although most couples enjoy the missionary position with her legs spread apart. In order for you more exciting missionary position, the position of the foot she can close the meeting. The position of the feet makes the vagina become tightened and clamping the penis with a strong and mencitakan delicious sensation. This position also allows techniques such as CAT points one above, where the male pubic bone to stimulate the clitoral area couples.

Perform modifications Missionary Position, remain creative and to experiment in creating a modification of this position. The goal is to find a point that can please both of you.

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