Thursday, June 9, 2011

Water Still Best for Satisfy Thirst Children

Tablet Android Honeycomb Terbaik Murah

PUR DS-1800Z 2-Stage Water DispenserBe careful if your child starts hooked energy drinks. These drinks can result in a less than desirable in children.

Energy drinks can trigger a buildup of calories, especially for children who are less physically active. The reason this drink contains 14 times more caffeine, 10 - 270 calories per serving, so should not be given to children, such as reported by Dailymail.

The doctors recommend that water consumption is the best drink that can be offered to children to relieve their thirst, or the consumption of fresh fruit juice and low-fat milk

Caffeine-rich energy drinks contain stimulants that can trigger seizures, diabetes, heart problems, behavioral problems and even premature death.

Dr. Holly Benjamin, lead author of an article published in the journal American Academy of Pediatrics says, "For most children who engage in regular physical activity, white water is best."

Dr. Benjamin said that the current problem, the level of activity of most children is too low making it difficult to burn calories. For that, the kids really do not need energy drinks that can cause obesity and tooth decay.

Dr. Marcie Beth Schneider, a specialist doctor adolescents and children from the Connecticut state children and teens are often confused in choosing sports drinks and energy drinks.

"Some kids drink energy drinks, contains large amounts of caffeine when they want to hydrate your body after exercise. This means they consume caffeine and calories that are not needed big body, "he said.

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