Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Each of the men at high risk for prostate cancer

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Each of the men at high risk for prostate cancer in later old age while still young, especially if no body treatments, and maintaining overall health. In the United States, prostate cancer is the fifth largest killer.

With changing lifestyle and improve your diet to be healthier can reduce the risk of prostate cancer and decrease the potential for death from prostate cancer in old age.

Effort to prevent prostate cancer should be done as early as possible when a young age. Poor health and unhealthy eating patterns is one of the originators of prostate cancer.

Risk factors for prostate cancer can be minimized by following these simple steps below:

Eat more tomatoes. Tomatoes in addition to beautify the skin also contain lycopene supply (lycopene) are abundant in clinical studies proven to reduce the risk of a man developing prostate cancer. Add the tomatoes in the vegetable menu for your diet. Eating tomatoes in cans is fine but beware of its sodium content. To get a better nutrient intake, eat an orange tomato that has a lot of substance lycopene.
When you cook foods that are rich in lycopene as tomatoes, watermelon, oranges, etc., pair them with good fats like olive oil, nuts and avocados. Like that Lycopene may help lower prostate cancer risk, fat is useful to improve the body's ability to absorb lycopene and used it well. Pairing foods that are rich in nutrients optimally better than eating these foods separately.
Combine broccoli and tomatoes in your diet. Broccoli and tomatoes can not only reduce the risk of getting prostate cancer but also can shrink prostate tumors. An easy way to incorporate these foods all the time is to put cherry tomatoes in a food that contains broccoli.
Do not over in mengkonusumsi vitamins. Simply consumption of one vitamin per day to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
Use of aspirin dose rendan if you suffer from prostate enlargement. The existence of enlargement of the prostate is one of the earliest signs of prostate cancer should be aware of. Drug Aspirin has been proven in clinical studies can reduce urinary problems in men who suffer from prostate enlargement. Aspirin works by minimizing the growth of abnormal cells.
Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet in general. As stated in step one, two and three, fruits and certain vegetables in addition can reduce the risk of prostate cancer based on the research also was able to cure it. Good nutrition as recommended by the National Cancer Institute is to eat more fruits and vegetables every day with an emphasis on vegetables that contain high levels of glucosinolates such as cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.
Drinking pomegranate juice can cure prostate cancer. The researchers found that there are some substances that are very nice in one glass of pomegranate juice can prevent peyebaran prostate cancer cells in the body.
Sports brisk walking can also cope with prostate cancer. Sports brisk walking for 3 hours per week based on research could hamper growth and the growth and spread of prostate cancer.

Please be aware that symptoms of the disorder in both malignant prostate such as prostate cancer and those still light has many similarities, therefore to know the certainty of whether you suffer from prostate cancer or do not do check-ups at the doctor.

Daily diet proven to prevent us from prostate cancer later in life. Reduce consumption of instant food and multiply eat fruits and vegetables in your daily menu.

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